- Bluetooth was named after a tenth-century king, Harald Bluetooth, King of Denmark and Norway.
- Denmark refused to sell Greenland to the United States in 1946.
- First acknowledged in 1219, the Danish flag remains the oldest state flag in the world still in use by an independent nation.
- Denmark is a relatively flat country with the highest natural point; “Mollehoj”, rising to just 171m and the country's average height above sea level is only 31m.
- From any point in the country, one can reach the ocean by traveling maximun just 52 km.
- Iceland exited from Denmark and became an independent republic in 1944.
- After building the artificial island of Peberholm for the Øresund bridge-tunnel, Denmark decided to plant nothing whatsoever, leaving nature to colonize at its own rate, today it hosts 450+ plant species, 8-12 bird species, and rare spiders.
- Lego from Denmark is the largest toy manufacturing company in the world.
In order to practise medicine in Denmark, all physicians must be in possession of a valid licence to practice.
For detailed information as to which documents are required for the application process, please visit the following website for more information or contact The Danish Patient Safety Authority directly.